키츠는 성균관대학교 시각디자인학과 프랑스어문학 학사 이후, 국내 건자재 기업의 마케팅 팀에서 디자인 기획 직무를 맡아왔다. 아날로그 텍스처를 담은 디지털 드로잉을 시작으로 2019년 봄에 전향하며 다양한 브랜드 협업을 진행한다.

국립광주박물관 문화재 드로잉 클래스 협업 등 인기 드로잉 클래스 콘텐츠를 쌓아오는 동시에, 수채 과슈 손그림 과정 영상을 공유하며 약 한 달 동안 누적 약 220만 뷰의 인지도를 다지기도 했다. 

2023년 봄부터 서촌 경복궁 돌담길에 키츠 아틀리에를 마련하여, 본격적인 원화 작품 활동으로 나아가고 있다.

kits. is a young illustrator and artist based in Seoul, South Korea. She graduated from the College of Art at Sungkyunkwan University with a BA degree in Visual Communication Design and French Literature. After that, she worked at a major building material company. In spring 2019, having started digital drawing, she decided to turn her job into an artist, and she has since worked with leading and upcoming brands.

While conducting popular on-offline drawing classes such as collaborating with the Gwangju National Museum, it also improved awareness through about 2.2 million views for about a month by sharing videos of the gouache painting process.

Since the spring of 2023, kits. atelier has been settled down on the street of Gyeongbokgung Stonewall Walkway in Seochon and is expanding into original paintings.


Graduated from Sungkyunkwan Univ.

· BA Degree in Communication Design & French Literature 

· Full scholarship from the Chojun Foundation 

· Exchange Program 🇫🇷 École de Management Léonard de Vinci, Paris, France

Worked at major building material company (2016-2019)

· Design Plan (CI/BI), Marketing Dept.



[UPCOMING] Solo show exhibition | Gallery Dohl | MAR 


[UPCOMING] Three person exhibition | PRINT BAKERY | OCT

Special exhibition | E.N. Gallery | SEP

Two person exhibition | ARTE K Gallery | MAY


Solo show exhibition | tya Gallery | DEC

Group exhibition | Samsung Raemian Gallery | NOV - FEB


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